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  • applique quilt
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February 25, 2025
Giant Dresden Bee Quilt from Sewing Under the Little Mushroom Cap

I’ve been having so much fun working on a giant Dresden bee quilt using a bee collection called Honey & Lavender by Deb Strain for Moda Fabrics. I first tried out the Dresden Plate Template for 10″ Squares from Missouri Star Quilt Company when I made my quilt project organizer bag which I talked about before HERE>, and I completely fell in love with it. I knew right then that I had to make a full-sized quilt using these oversized Dresdens.

Fabric link:

Fabric: Honey & Lavender still available HERE> and at Missouri Star Quilt Company at the time of me ...

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February 12, 2025
» Northern Deb Quilts

 I have a finish for 2025!! This is the first of what I hope will be many finishes this year. This quilt started in 2019 or 2020 as something to keep me busy in Florida.  I had planned to just do the curved applique pieces but quickly got bored so I put it away. 

In 2024 I was unpacking and cleaning, and I found 16 of those petals. I played around with them and came up with the block with the plus and 4 petals. After that I thought I'd design something Swedish /Scandinavian looking and drew up the ...

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September 15, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Tropical Fish Quilt from High Road Quilter


I started this Tropical Fish quilt for the July blog hop, but I wasn't able to finish it before my post date. Since then, I have finished quilting and binding it, and it is now ready for its grand reveal.

The fish is made with free cut applique pieces, made out of fabric scraps from some of my other projects. I used school glue instead of fusible to secure it. I combined stitching down the applique pieces with the quilting. 

I surrounded the fish with half square triangles. I could have used scraps for this part, but I was ...

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August 10, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Beach Picnic from High Road Quilter


Ta Da! I finished the Beach Picnic quilt that I made for the June blog hop. Joan from Moose Stash Quilting and Carol from Just Let Me Quilt take turns hosting a year long blog hop. They chose a different theme for each month. 


The theme for the June blog hop was For the Birds. The project is simple, and just needs a bird on it.


I made the quilt in June, but I had not finished binding it. 



I posted the unfinished project here in June.


Now it is finally finished.


I added a pole with directions to other ...

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March 24, 2024
Fans for My Lady 3, 4 from Virtual Quilter

Very nice.

As the Virtual Quilter I have to admit that the design above is a variation of a quilt I have made.

Love this one!

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February 18, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Crumpled Heart from High Road Quilter

 I finished another journal quilt this week. It is a quick project made with leftover strips of fabric from my blog hop project I will be showing you on Thursday.

When I made the Raggedy Heart quilt last week, I knew it didn't come close to approximating the inspiration, which was the artwork of Marcellina Akpojotor. She takes strips of Ankara fabric and glues them onto canvas. I translated that work onto a quilt and I think this looks closer to her artwork. Only the black, white and pink fabric is Ankara in my work.

It is a great ...

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February 11, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Raggedy Heart from High Road Quilter


It's time for another Project Quilting Reveal! This week, the challenge is to:

PQ 15.3 Inside Out

For this week’s project, I want to see what’s normally hidden!
Make a project with exposed seams or a raw-edge finish. Take on a bag pattern or other project that is constructed inside out and then literally “birthed” as part of the process. Or use this as a theme and demonstrate your unique inside-out perspective.

Rule One: Some part of your project must thematically or literally be inside out.

I had decided before the challenge was announced that I ...

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January 30, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Where Horses Dream Under Endless Sky from High Road Quilter


It's time for another Project Quilting Reveal! This week, the challenge is to:

Take inspiration from the colors of the sky, but exclude or use less than 10% of the usual blue.

I decided to use my Derwent Inktense pencils (affiliate link) to color the sky so I found a relatively plain background. I knew it would need something in the foreground for interest and decided to find a horse pattern to applique on my quilt. I haven't ever used a horse and I am not so sure why I was intimidated by using a horse. Maybe because ...

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January 29, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Rabbit's Reverie from High Road Quilter


It's my day for the Just Let Me Quilt blog hop challenge. The theme for the week is White Rabbit.

The challenge was: 

Make something with white fabrics, rabbits, or white rabbits. 

It is a perfect theme, because I was just gifted a pair of embroidered white pants.  I had seen a couple of quilts that were animal shapes that were cut out of some embroidered work with batting inside them. I thought about doing just that and having a quilt that was not a rectangle, but I still had house on my mind and wanted to make sure ...

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January 15, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Haven of Harmony from High Road Quilter

 I made my first quilt of the year for the first Project Quilting challenge. Project Quilting is a challenge that was started years ago by Kim Lapacek of Persimmon Dreams. It is inspired by Project Runway challenges. 

Every other week for the first three months of the year, Kim's friend, Tricia Franklin, posts a theme. Quilters then make quilts based on this theme. The quilt cannot be started before the challenge is posted, and must be finished by the deadline, which is only one week later.

Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character ...

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December 25, 2023
Toys 4 Christmas 69, 70 from Virtual Quilter

For the young at heart!

May we all find some new toys to play with in the year ahead!

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October 17, 2023
Quilt Reveal: African Garden from High Road Quilter


I finished the quilt formerly known as Tuxedo Vest. Since the name is based on the fabrics on what is now the background, I am changing the name to African Garden to refer to the applique which is now the focal point.

This was the quilt as I left it in 2021. It was supposed to be a simple baby quilt, but I don't know anyone who would want it as a baby quilt. I thought about keeping it, but I would need a lap quilt so my original plan was to add more columns and make it larger ...

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October 15, 2023
Kelly’s Custom Quilts 41, 42 from Virtual Quilter

Lovely, and interesting.

These quilt designs started with a layout created with a pieced block with just squares and rectangles. In a real quilt the background colours could be the same all over, or could use pale, low contrast fabrics to show the original block in large scale.

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September 10, 2023
Quilt Reveal: Making Friends from High Road Quilter


 I finished the portraits quilt I showed you in the last post.

I used the index card portraits as my inspiration, so I used background fabric that would result in the same size as the index cards.

I used fusible applique to add the body and the body parts: hair, whites of eyes, eyeballs, nose (optional), mouth, and clothing.


I decided to use the binding fabric as a border instead, and since it looked like a frame, I decided to birth the quilt instead of bind it.

I used embroidery stitches to stabilize the quilt instead of stitching in the ...

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May 31, 2023
Aunt Flo’s Quilt 41, 42 from Virtual Quilter

So pretty and dainty. I think I may be repeating past comments about the designs in this project file.

More of the same … dainty and pretty, and in my late Mum’s favourite colours.

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May 12, 2023
Playing with Baby Blocks 19, 20 from Virtual Quilter

Electric Quilt allows users to play with blocks of many shapes, including mixing squares and diamonds which can lead to playing with baby blocks. Because I have grown up I added floral arrangements to the blocks to replace the toys or letters of the alphabet on most baby blocks.

I love the first of these two designs but like the addition of pieced blocks on some sides of the blocks.

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May 7, 2023
A Whiter Shade of Pale 31, 32 from Virtual Quilter

Minimal colour, but I love the design above.

Love the added quilting, but I would be very tempted to use thread very closely matching the background.

Sadly, the quilt is lost, but here is a lovely story of an historical quilt.

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April 15, 2023
A Quilt Top Marathon from Quilty Folk

 This past week or two found me spending quite a bit of time bringing a couple projects to quilt top stage. The first one 'The Mountains Are Calling', has been in the works for a long time. First, I cut out a whole lotta free-cut strips and started in on the back of the quilt.

Tags quilt
Just wanted to do more improv. strip piecing and sewing plus use up some more languishing fabrics. I had a vague outdoor-ish look and feel in mind for the front of the quilt, but didn't really grab a hold of anything solid ...

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April 9, 2023
Is this Not the Best Quilt? from Quilty Folk

Well, I'm definitely going to blow up this post with waaay too many pictures of Ormes Inspired! It's totally finished now, a true blue finish. And wowsers, it looks so much better with the hand quilting! Why does it always, always surprise me to see the difference between a flat looking quilt top and one with yummy texture from stitching? You'd think I'd learn by now.

Ormes Inspired is done!
But you know me, always a roller coaster of emotions from the start of making these beauties, clear up till the final showing! Once again, I ...

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December 31, 2022
Baker’s Dozen 47, 48 from Virtual Quilter

Very interesting, and I like it!

Love the centre part, and find the outer blocks form an interesting texture, though not sure that I like it.

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  • applique quilt
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